Post By: Certex Latvija

WLL - working load limit

Working Load Limit (WLL) is very important because it ensures the safety of operations and prevents potentially dangerous events.

Here are some reasons to follow the WLL:

Equipment Safety:

  • By complying with WLL, we ensure that lifting equipment is only used for its intended load. Overloaded equipment can cause equipment damage or even accidents.
  • If the crane is designed to lift a maximum of 500 kg, the WLL of the machine must be greater than this weight to ensure safe operation.

Employee Safety:

  • By complying with WLL, we protect workers from excessive workload. Overloaded equipment can cause various injuries and other health risks.
  • Workers must know the WLL of the equipment and respect its limits.

Liability and Legal Aspects:

  • By complying with the WLL, companies and employees fulfill their responsibility to the law and safety standards.
  • Violating the WLL may result in legal consequences and penalties.

By complying with the WLL, we ensure the safety of both equipment and employees, as well as comply with liability and the law.

You can see our new Lifting KnowHow video below